понедельник, 27 ноября 2017 г.


Ниже представлен список лучших рекламных сайтов. Как вы увидите, все они бесплатны, но некоторые из них имеют специальные требования. Обязательно проверьте примечания справа и убедитесь, что ваш ebook соответствует требованиям.
Erotica Allowed?
Requirements and Notes
Awesome Book Promotion$65Yes5 different platforms available. You can choose to spread out your promotion on specific dates on each of the 5 sites or stack them all in one day.
Just Kindle Books$15 - $35YesHas a highly engaged newsletter readership and Facebook following. Promotes mostly romance, erotic romance, mystery/thriller, urban fantasy, & women's fiction. Next-day submissions accepted. Top-notch customer service.
Book Goodies$7.50 - $45YesSubmit 5 days in advance. One of the few paid services to explicitly allow erotica (no pun intended). Flat rate promotion, no complicated array of options to navigate and decipher.
Free Booksy$40 - $200Not statedPricing depends on genre. Horror and travel are at the cheaper end of the spectrum while fantasy and romance are the most expensive. The size of the email list used by the service differs per genre, as each list is targeted to specific genre fans.
Steamy Romance Books$24.99YesSpecifically for erotica books. On another page, they also offer paid features as well.
Book Bub$25 - $500Not statedVery strict acceptance criteria, excellent average ROI. Countless authors have reported huge success after being featured on Book Bub. The most popular genre on Book Bub, crime, has almost 4 million subscribers on the list.
Kindle Nation Daily$100 - 180Not statedOffers myriad packages. You can buy either daily, weekly or monthly packages, and have the option of choosing to promote to specific genre pages or to the whole site in general. Service claims to be able to reach up to 180,000 Kindle owners each day.
Digital Book Today$30Not statedSubmit at least 4 days in advance. Onsite calendar feature allows you to quickly and easily see whether it will be possible to promote your book during your desired time.
Author Ad Network$129Yes and NoPromotes your book to 28 different promotion sites and other social media programs. If erotica, they'll only promote to certain sites that allow it.
Book Reader Magazine$20Yes$20 guarantees a featured spot on the homepage for 7 days. Also, allows you to submit an author interview for free.
Good Kindles$25 - $45YesThe costlier packages come with prominent home page promotion, social media and newsletter features.
Many Books$25Not statedMany Books claim to get over 400,000 unique views a month. Successful applicants will be featured on both the website and in email promotion
Free Kindle Books and Tips$25Not statedNo specific details offered, authors must contact the site and ask for more info about what the service entails
Kindle Mojo$25Not statedA wide array of options including Twitter, creating a VIP page on the site, and even having 'prime time tweets' sent out for a slightly higher price
Hot Zippy$23 - $330Not statedOne of the biggest ranges of options and prices available. You can promote your book for up to a month using this service. You can also choose shorter promotional periods, such as one day.
Author Marketing Club$20Not statedService offers submission to 28 separate platforms. Many other tools found on the site which may help with your promo efforts, such as a 'bookalyzer'.
Free Books Hub$10 - $20Not statedYour book will be promoted via email, on the website and through social media. Extra payments can be made in order to be more prominently displayed on both the site and on Facebook.
EBook Deal Of The Day$5Not statedCosts $5 per marketplace (e.g Kindle, iTunes etc). Also offers a specific Kindle India promotion option.
Snicks List$1 - $5NoOne of the two cheapest paid promotion options. You can choose the number of days your promotion will run, with very small price increases for extra days. If you have a permafree book, your promotion will run for a year for only $5.
Ignite Your Book$0.99Not statedThe cheapest paid service available. Ignite Your Book has a clean, easy to navigate website. Popular genres do better with Ignite Your Book's audience.
Buck BooksFees based on average of books soldNot statedBook must be 0.99 or less during promotion, at least 10 reviews with an average score of 3.8 or higher, well written book description, pro cover design (specifically not Fiverr)
I Like Ebooks$0.99 - $9.99Not statedNo special requirements
Books Butterfly$50 - $500Not statedAwesome service due to the fact they offer a prorated refund if their stated download target is not met
Planet Ebooks$20 - $60Not statedBooks with reviews preferred, but no minimum quantity/score
Hidden Gems Romance$10-$30YesThousands of quality subscribers and growing daily, newsletter goes out twice a week and price varies on package. All genres of romance. Also has an ARC program for attracting honest reviews
Bargain Booksy$25 - $135YesPrice paid depends on genre. More popular genres have a bigger list and therefore cost more.
Book Basset$8 per day - $22 per dayNoNo explicit content whatsoever allowed. Choice of either being a 'featured author' or being the giveaway of the day.
Book Eel$10 - $200YesBook Eel offer a money back guarantee if your book doesn't get at least 100 downloads for free books, or 30 sales for paid books. $200 buys the VIP promotion option.
Book Gorilla$50 - $100YesErotica is accepted but must have "literary quality". Books must have 5 reviews with an average of 4 stars and be over 100 pages in length.
Book Lemur$25 - $35NoNo minimum review amount stated but "the more quality reviews the better".
Many Books$29No, but state they will in the futureYour book must have at least 10 reviews with a four star or better rating. Your cover must be professional.
Riffle Books$25 - $100NoBook must be over 150 pages and professionally edited and presented.
WhizBuzz Books$49YesErotica is accepted but only if the cover and title are suitable for a general audience. The fee buys promotion both on site and on social for one year.
Genre Pulse$16+YesNo special requirements, Genre Pulse pride themselves on 'not being fussy'.
Robin Reads$50YesBooks promoted specifically by genre. Erotica is allowed but featured separately. Books must have a good cover and good reviews to be selected. No minimum reviews.
Ebook Hounds$10 - $35YesNonfiction books must be over 100 pages, fiction books must be over 150. At least 10 reviews averaging 3+ stars.
The Fussy Librarian$15 - $18Yes10 reviews with at least 4 star+ rating. Book must be $5.99 or less on day of promotion.
Book Barbarian$25 - $55NoBooks must be sci fi or fantasy to qualify. Must have at least 10 reviews with an average of 3.5 stars +.
Your Book Promoter$49 - $249No3 months service. Service includes a guaranteed number of Amazon book page visitors.

В приведенном выше списке есть компания, которая нуждается в особом упоминании.  
Inkitt - это издательская компания , которая не только отправит вашу книгу тысячам читателей бесплатно (законно), но также предложит вам публикационную сделку стоимостью в тысячи долларов, если  читателям книга понравится.
Вы выигрываете, потому что продемонстрируете свою книгу перед большим количеством людей,  и получаете возможность заключить договор на публикацию . Они выигрывают, потому что благодаря своей системе они смогут узнать, сколько людей наслаждались вашей книгой и знают, что смогут увеличить продажи, чтобы вам было выгодно, если вы решите сотрудничать с ними.
Как это работает, вы сначала отправляете свою книгу, и они загружают ее в свое приложение для чтения электронных книг, которое было загружено сотнями тысяч людей. Там их пользователи приложений будут выбирать, загружать и читать вашу книгу ... все время Inkitt будет следить за этим. Если они видят, что люди читают Вас интенсивно, то они предложит вам публикацию.
Машинный перевод с https://kindlepreneur.com/list-sites-promote-free-amazon-books/
Примечание Inkitt - принимает книги только на английском языке.

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